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                您的位置: 鑫邦活性炭 > 新闻中心 > 新闻动态

                发布日期:2023-06-11 09:38浏览次数:


                Medicinal activated carbon, also known as activated charcoal, is a form of activated carbon that has been specifically treated for medical applications. It is made by heating charcoal in the presence of a gas that causes the carbon to become highly porous, creating a large surface area that can adsorb toxins and other harmful substances.

                Medicinal activated carbon is commonly used in emergency medicine to treat ingestion of toxic substances. When taken orally, it can bind to the toxic material in the gastrointestinal tract and prevent absorption into the bloodstream. This can be a lifesaving treatment for poisoning caused by drugs, chemicals, or other toxins.

                In addition to emergency medicine, medicinal activated carbon is also used in hospital settings to treat certain intestinal infections and to help remove excess drugs from the body. It is even used in some cosmetic products to help cleanse the skin and absorb excess oil.

                While activated carbon has many benefits, it is important to note that it should only be used under the guidance of a medical professional. Dosages and treatment regimens vary depending on the individual case, and improper use can lead to serious complications.

                In conclusion, medicinal activated carbon is a highly effective treatment for certain types of poisoning and other medical conditions. It is an important tool in emergency medicine and a valuable resource for healthcare professionals.




                活性〖炭可以被用于解毒。吸附作用使活性炭成为普遍且安全的解毒剂。当有毒物质进入体内时,活性炭可以快速吸附并将其排出体外,从而减轻或防止中毒的发生。此外,活性⌒ 炭还可以用于治疗药物中毒和食物中毒等急性中毒事件。





                Activated carbon, also known as activated charcoal, is a material known for its exceptional adsorption and filtration properties. This material is widely used in a variety of applications such as air purification, water treatment, and even in medical and cosmetic products.

                For those in the activated carbon industry, understanding the various technical terms used in the manufacturing and application of this material is crucial. Here are some commonly used terms:

                1. Activation: This refers to the process of heating a carbonaceous material, such as wood or coconut shells, in the presence of a gas to form activated carbon.

                2. Micropores and mesopores: These are the different sized pores in activated carbon. Micropores are less than 2 nanometers in diameter, while mesopores are between 2 and 50 nanometers in diameter.

                3. Adsorption: This is the process by which activated carbon attracts and holds onto gas or liquid molecules.

                4. Hardness: Refers to the ability of activated carbon to withstand attrition or wear, usually determined by its resistance to crushing.

                5. Ash content: The residue left on activated carbon after it has been burned to remove any impurities.

                6. Iodine number: A measure of the adsorption capacity of activated carbon, calculated by the amount of iodine adsorbed onto one gram of carbon.

                By understanding these technical terms, professionals in the activated carbon industry can better communicate and optimize their manufacturing processes and product performance.







                活性炭是一种多用途的神奇物质。它的出现在人类历史上并不算长,却已经□ 成为了现代生活中不可或缺的一部分。

                广东鑫邦活性炭有限公司致力专注于柱状活性☆炭、颗粒活性炭、粉状活性炭、蜂窝活性炭生产与批发;广泛应◥用在:垃圾焚※烧厂、黄金提取、工业废水处理、污水处理、废气处理、空气净化、喷漆烤漆房等 Copyright ? 2002-2021 鑫邦活性炭厂家 版权所有 粤ICP备2021087261号
